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An often overlooked tool for musicians is the drum machine. But some software companies are turning to unimaginative, unfounded assumptions about what music players want, while others provide some of their best products on pirated software. The truth is that many musicians are constantly looking for some sort of upgrade. They're constantly wanting to get the most out of their equipment and find ways to make themselves more marketable. Some may be too cheap or lazy for this however, but that's where crack comes in. Cracks are not just cracks at all. They are the essence of pleasure manifested in raw form. Cracks are free, uncut, unadulterated music software. Cracks are made by programmers looking for a better deal. Most crack users pay no attention to the fact that they're using pirated software (though some do), they simply want to listen to uninterrupted music for free. Most crack users don't even make any money; they will never sell their cracks or send them out on CDs or anything like that. Cracks don't exist to make money for their creators, though many seem like they're doing it because of this reason alone (look at The Crack). Cracks exist because people who cannot afford to spend money on music software yet need it desperately have found a way to have their cake and eat it too. People who download cracks are normally people who want to be well-rounded musicians. They take advantage of the fact that all the big companies offer free trials so they can try out their products before buying, but most don't have the cash to spend on them. So they download a crack and keep going with their lives. The biggest excuse for this is that "no one's getting hurt". Crackers say that they're not making money off of anyone, and those who use cracks aren't losing anything from those who create them. The only thing that's being taken in with cracks is the time of people in charge of production. "Anyone who thinks that cracking is wrong has never really tried to can't afford an original music software package." People who are against cracking are normally people who have the money to purchase the products they want, even when they have no real need for them. So if you couldn't afford EA-X Pro when it came out, but now you've got some extra cash on hand, go out and purchase it. If it's something you need, then go ahead and buy it. But if not, then don't feel guilty about using a crack if that's what you need to get by. It's all about choice. Cracking was not always seen as wrong or pathetic, though it is now. Many programmers of software considered cracking to be illegal and morally wrong, but at the same time they saw their products as more expensive than they actually were, so it wasn't really hurting them one way or another. It wasn't until the mid-1990s that cracking became seen as a bad thing by most people. During this period there were many pirated music programs available on the internet, including many with cracks already installed that could be downloaded with relative ease. cfa1e77820